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Messages from Families

"New Creation Christian Academy is an excellent college preparatory school.  The Administrators, Teachers, and staff are master scholars who are hardworking, dedicated and passionate about each students success! We have talked to numerous Alumni and each one has credited NCCA for their successful college careers.  In addition to stellar academics, NCCA provides a variety of sports and extra-curricular opportunities.  We are incredibly grateful for NCCA and highly recommend enrolling your children here – they will thrive!"- Lynne Hildebrand, Parent of Freshman (class of 2022) 


"This has been the best schoool year since Matthew started school. He has enjoyed being at NCCA and both of us look forward to him being able to return after the summer break. You have the sweetest teachers, staff and students at NCCA and we are glad to be part of it." - Jackie Hudson, Grandparent

"[The teachers at NCCA] are truly a blessing and an inspiration to students." ~Hannah McGarity, student

to the teachers at NCCA~"Thank you for all the hard work y'all do preparing for our classes, and for the love y'all have for your students."

to the teachers at NCCA~"Thank you for doing well at your jobs and helping us work towards our goals..  Thanks for putting up with forgetfulness and missing work, and thank you for helping me get better and achieve good things."~Carson Lill

"I write this letter to you all with a grateful heart. My son, Chris Hilsman, has been a student at NCCA for the second part of the 2012 school year. I don't even know where to begin to thank you all for making it the best school he has ever attended. God has blessed us through you all. To hear Chris tell me how kind you all are and how the students get along so well is such a blessing. Chris is a genuinely good and kind person. He loves to cut up and be silly, but he has a good heart. To see his love for the Lord and that kindness and compassion shine throughthis past year brings tears to my eyes. Due to financial difficulties, we are moving back to our home in Winder. Therefore, Crhis will not be able to attend NCCA next school year. This also brings tears to my eyes. It is our goal to move back here when the Lord makes a way for it to be possible. I felt that it is important to let you all know what an awesome job you are doing. What you are allowing God to do through you in education is making a huge positive impact on your students and their families. Please pray for Chris as he starts school next year. We will miss our Church and NCCA so very much. We place it in God's hands and trust completely in Him. We hope to keep in touch and see you in the future. Thank you from all of us." - Ben & Elizabeth Dempsey, Parents and Chris Hilsman, Student


"Jordan has REALLY enjoyed attending this school and I can tell by her grades how much she has learned, improved and excelled in every subject. Investing in her education through this school was by far the BEST decision we ever made and I thank God for giving us the means to allow her to take part in it." - Christy Slaton, Parent


"I love the opportunities I have academically as well as socially. The flexibility of our schedule allows us to do so much more than a traditional school setting." - Kaitlin Weeks, Student


"Dear friends at NCCA, there is not enough I can say to convey the wonderful help and experience that out family has had with NCCA. Our family came to NCCA with the need for strong academic guidance and assistance for our son who was entering high school yet was unprepared. he had some notable academic challenges. We found more help and resources than we could ever have hoped for! The academic approach and teaching environment were wonderful, and were enhanced further by an administration and teaching staff that do nothing less than excel. Our son was not merely encouraged to do well, but was given every academic tool and opportunity to achieve excellence. His eventual position as a class officer, a member of the National Honor Society and possessor of a high GPA were achievements we attribute directly to the direction and support he received at New Creation Christian Academy. Just as important to us as parents was our son's social experience at NCCA. It was just as positive as his academics. He gained good, solid friends with many of those being teachers and administrators as well as fellow students. I would encourage without reservation any parent looking for admirable academic and social opportunity for their child to give NCCA and their professional staff strong consideration. Our son was just accepted into a private Christian college and was able to forego some of the admissions screening process due to his carrying a 3.85 GPA. When I see that, I see the results of his hard work developed through New Creation Christian Academy! To the administration staff and faculty of NCCA goes this family's heartfelt thanks!" - Kevin & Julie Mitchell, Parents


"Dear NCCA, I am writing this because I was asked to say something about how I feel NCCA has prepared me for college. besides having a similar class schedule to that of college, the things that prepared me most were Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. Gardner. Mrs. Gardner pushed me when I myself had no reason or motivation to do what I must in class. It is because of her that I have an A in College Calculus I. I make 100's on everything and question why I am even in the class to begin with. She helped me understand the basic fundamentals of all math so that when I came to Berry, what Dr. Kaptiza had to say was what I covered in Week 4 of Mrs. Gardner's class. She is an incredible person and I am so thankful to have studied under her. She taught me that even when I don't' feel like doing it, or don't think it's applicable, that I have to press on, not for her sake, but for the sake of knowing what I must to continue in life without mediocrity. Even though she was just a Math teacher, she means a lot to me and taught me well. Mrs. Hughes, another fabulous teacher and friend, was also there encouraging me to pursue what I love most. Her encouragement kept me strong through Twelfth Night auditions, the Spring Play at Berry. I was cast in two roles. She believed in me like a mother does with her child. She told me I had nothing to fear about the life I wanted because God would always be there, and she would always support me no matter the outcome. these two women did a lot for me and because of them, I am stronger, more motivated and more determined than most in my class. honor them, they are worth it!" - Jenni Ivers, 2007 Graduate


The opportunity for a good education is one of the most important gifts that parents can give their children. This is why my husband and I chose New Creation Christian Academy. Our children have gone to public school since first grade. They were blessed with with good teachers and many were devout Christians. This past year problems at their school made it increasingly difficult for the teachers to teach and the children to learn. We had to find a new path for the girls' education. Following the advice of many of their previous teachers, we contacted NCCA and enrolled them for the remainder of their eight grade year.

This decision has been such a blessing to our family! The girls have been loved and encouraged from day one. The instruction they have received has been beyond expectation. The schoolwork has been challenging, both intellectually and spiritually. Teachers are given the respect they deserve and the students are respected as well. As I drop the girls off for class I leave knowing that every person on the NCCA staff wants the best for them. I also know that they will be encouraged to work hard to accomplish their dreams and goals.

When you enter the doors of NCCA you know you are among family. I hope I can welcome you to the family soon!" - Melissa Meadows, Parent


"It is our honor to be writing you this letter. NCCA is so much more than just a school or a facility to educate children. NCCA offers families not just an education, but a place to feel at home.

NCCA is founded on Christian principles. The programs and classes offer flexibility which in turn allows each family to determine the individual needs they have. The design of classes offered prepare our children to become responsible for time management and accountability to the teachers. That is a very important factor when preparing for college and life in general.

Our family in particular has greatly benefited from the NCCA program and dedicated staff. We have two children in attendance at NCCA. Our son has a chronic illness which greatly affects his ability to attend classes regularly. Both of our children have been so blessed by all of the staff and the many prayers they have received. the staff and teachers have been so gracious and flexible when working with the unique needs of our family. Their accessibility is tremendous. Whether we call on the phone or e-mail, we are always responded to in a timely manner and with a concerned heart. With the many hospital visits and multiple doctor's appointments we have to attend we are always prayed for, cared for and supported. Everyone has graciously worked with us and our family in trying to insure the best education needed for each of our children. Teachers have allowed our daughter to be in attendance for many of the procedures that he has to endure. they have supported her and cared for her in how all of his illnesses have affected her.

NCCA has been a wonderful place in which to trust our kids' education and their spiritual growth. We strongly feel that it takes a community to raise our children for the future. Our churches, families and schools play a very important part in the process. NCCA is not just a school it is part of our family and a great place to insure our children's futures!" - Dave & Amy Cousar, Parents


"Our family became involved with NCCA in the year 2000, and found it to be the 'best of both worlds' - combining the best of a classroom teaching experience with the flexibility and creativity of homeschooling. All of my children graduated from NCCA and had no trouble getting accepted to college. Each found themselves fully prepared for the college experience, especially in terms of time management, as they are already conditioned to the university-style class/study schedule. Being a part of NCCA was a great decision, and I am so thankful that the Lord brought us to this organization." - Patty Ivers, Parent


"We found NCCA at a time in our lives when we were experiencing change. Kaitlin's dad died suddenly in 2002. I had remarried the next year and we had moved from our old home into a new home. Kaitlin was also going through some health issues. I heard about NCCA through a friend and begin to ask questions about the school. I took Kaitlin by for a visit and met the office staff. I quickly realized that this was an answered prayer for myself and Kaitlin. The Christian atmosphere and friendly faces all accepted Kaitlin without question. She was soon absorbed in the school life and began to come out of her shell and develop into a young lady. god had placed NCCA in Kaitlin's life at a critical time and we have never looked back. What a blessing it is to know that her education and her well being are looked after by fellow Christians."  - Cindy & Murray Chambers, Parents



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