We are looking for qualified educators to join our team. We have openings for the upcoming school year across ALL grade levels:
- Elementary Academy
- Middle School Academy
- High School
If you would like to be considered, please submit a resume and an application. You can print the application below and e-mail it to our Head Administrator.
We also have openings for Support Staff (para-pro, study hall monitor, and other areas), please complete the Staff application below and submit it to our Head Administrator.
All positions are part-time as NCCA is a NAUMS University ModelĀ® school. Teachers would be teaching 1 or 2 days a week depending upon the class. Student to teacher ratio is less than 20:1. Teachers must have a college degree in the subject matter they are teaching OR an education degree.
You can print a Teacher employment application here:
Teacher Employment Application
You can print a Staff employment application here:
Our Athletic Department Coaching staff application is here: